If your company will be a agent of Censtar, you need provide the following information:
1. The company registered material.
2. The latest financial status information.
3. relevant successful cases of Fuel dispensers
4. The basic survey of market (please see note).
5. Annual market expectations.
6. Management and technical team material and important employees resume.
7. Related photos material.
8. Other information of proving relevant qualification and ability.
After examining and verifyig your company information, we will issue agency qualification certificate for your company, your company will enjoy the relevant agency policy of Censtar.
I hope we will be cooperation relations.
We are looking forward to receiving your reply very soon.
The Basic Survey of Market
Country/region: Lister: Date:
Industryrelated basic information
The total number of Petroleum Companies
The total number of gas stations
The total number of vehicles
Industry Transport and general motorvehicle ratio
Oil prices/gallon or l
Petroleumcompany information
Company name
The total number of gas stations
Market share
The company type
At present the Petroleum company usefuel dispensers brand
Gasstations general information
Whetherthere is a convenience store:
Thetotal number of fuel dispenser:
Fueldispensers general information
Fueldispensers types(suction pump or submersible pump,number of nozzles, number ofproducts,number ofdisplays): At present use display digital digits: example: sale: 6,liter: 6, price: 4
Fueldispensers brand and market share:
Tosuggestions and comments for Censtar fuel dispensers:
Sale/Liter/Pricedigital digits
Arefuel dispensers controlled in interior or outside? On indoor controller havewhy to ask?
Forgas station management system have why to ask?
Thecharacteristics of the local after-sales service? Requirements of after-salesservice users?